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NOTE: This meeting was held in October of 2009, and this page is for archival purposes only.
Second Meeting: October 18th, 2009 at the UC Davis Botanical Conservatory
Approximate Schedule:
12:00PM | Drop off donated plants for sale, view sales tables/collection.
| 1:00PM | Presentations:
Ernesto Sandoval | | (1) Propagating Amorphophallus titanum from leaf cuttings
(2) Studies on the chemical composition of Aroid inflorescence odor and inflorescence temperature
| Christopher Rogers | | Taxonomy, Ecology and Horticulture of Temperate Tuberous Aroids
| Bill Weaver | | Flowering Amorphophallus gigas
| Albert Huntington | | Report on 2009 Aroid meetings in Nancy, France and Miami, Florida.
| 2:30PM | Tour of the Aroid Collections
| 3:30PM | Plant Sales: Donors may describe some of the items for sale.
Only cash or checks (made out to FODA) can be accepted.
| |
Download an Advertising Flyer here and post it at your nearest garden center!
The UCD Botanical Conservatory web site is: http://greenhouse.ucdavis.edu/conservatory/
Directions to the conservatory can be found under the MAPS tab. Parking is FREE on Sundays.
If you have any questions about the West Coast Aroid Society Chapter, please contact Dan Levin.