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Local IAS Chapters
The International Aroid Society has a long history of affiliation with local Aroid groups. Though there are not many chapters currently active, a West Coast Chapter based in California has begun what is hopefully a new trend.
Active Chapters:
- MidAmerica - Based in Oklahoma , Arkansas , Missouri , Illinois , Texas and Louisiana
- Australia - An Australian chapter is newly active!
Former Chapters:
The chapters below are not particularly active at this point in time.
Start Your Own Chapter
Starting a local IAS chapter is remarkably simple.
- Register with the IAS - Contact the IAS Board of Directors and let us know who you are, how to contact you, and what you are planning to do.
- Join the IAS - Chapters should be members in good standing with the IAS.
- Find local members by using the member directory search function, asking around on Aroid-L and looking over the Aroiders list.
Other local places to find members: garden clubs, local plant societies, School botany clubs and horticultural programs, botanical conservatories and arboretums.
- Get involved with other local plant groups - give a talk on the wonders of Aroids, put up a display at a local Fair, speak to a botany club and promote your chapter.
- Contact those members and find a date and place you can meet. Remember - the chapter doesn't have to be huge - just 3 or 4 people can make a very interesting meeting. It could be held at a botanic garden, public garden, zoo, school or someome's home.
- Announce your meetings on Aroid-L, through mailing lists and meetings of local plant societies, through flyers at nurseries and landscaping businesses.
- Some first meeting ideas:
- Have people bring plants to show off or trade - availability of plants is a huge draw.
- Plan to give a tour of a collection of plants, however small, at your meeting location.
- Ask somebody to talk about a trip they recently made. Even if it was just to a local botanic garden.
- Decide on a time and place for the next meeting with your new friends. Most chapters find that meeting between two and four times a year provides a good balance between comfort, novelty and excitement.
How can the IAS Support your Chapter?
The IAS would be happy to provide:
- Customizable Flyers for your IAS affiliated event.
- Web Space on aroid.org to announce and document your meetings.
- Publicity in the IAS Newsletter.
- Contact with members who have successfully organized local chapters.
- IAS Merchandise and publications for you to sell at the meetings ( for a price, of course ).
- IAS Advertising Materials free of charge.
- A huge Academic Poster is available on loan to chapters as well..