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Micropropagation of Aroids
Scott E. Hyndman and
Alan Bickell
This web page is only meant
to be an introduction to the tissue culture propagation technique known
as micropropagation for some of the plants composing the family Araceae
L. It is an update to an article (Hyndman, 1987) originally published
in Aroideana , the journal of
the International Aroid Society . The present work
is not meant to be a review of all the current and past literature on
the subject. A planned review of extensive protocol descriptions for the
in vitro culture of all reported aroid species is in progress,
so do check back periodically for an update. For more detailed perspectives
of plant tissue culture on the web, refer to Plant
Tissue Culture Information Exchange and Plant
Tissue Culture Research at the University of Minnesota.
Some years ago, Mr. David Burnett
of Sydney, Australia, became the first author to bring a very rare and
beautiful aroid, Alocasia guttata var. imperialis N.E. Brown, from
the brink of obscurity back into the horticultural limelight by using
a plant tissue culture technique known as micropropagation. He then made
propagules available to the collectors around the world. In Burnett's
landmark work on the Alocasia (Burnett, 1984), he describes the
colorful history of this remarkable species and how it had become so rare
that it was only known to exist in a single collection. It was very rare
in it's native Borneo as well . The micropropagation of Alocasia
guttata var. imperialis N.E. Brown using a procedure known as
shoot tip culture was successful. Since that time, a once very rare species
is now available and enjoyed by many collectors of aroids. From this experience
many people learned what a powerful tool tissue culture can be for the
conservation and preservation of endangered aroids, and how very advantageous
the technique can be to the collector of rare aroids as well. The purpose
of this web page is to introduce and explain the basics of aroid micropropagation,
the plant tissue culture technique used for propagation, and to provide
information for anyone who may be interested in applying this technique
to propagate some of their favorite aroids.
Advantages and Disadvantages
An aroid, Amorphophallus
konjac K. Koch, was actually the first monocotyledon to be reported
in the literature as having been successfully tissue cultured (Morel and
Wetmore, 1951). In fact, the authors reported the first successful propagation
of an Amorphophallus by tissue culture in that same paper with
the production of adventitious shoots from callus derived from tuber tissue
grown on a defined salts medium to which B vitamins and a synthetic auxin
were added. Comparable results with Sauromatum guttatum Schott
were mentioned as well.
Since those early years in
plant tissue culture history, numerous reports about the micropropagation
of aroids have appeared in the literature. Table
1 lists some of these reports for some of the genera of the Araceae
L. Generally, these reported techniques can be applied to related species
and genera. The hobby tissue culturist can apply these techniques quite
effectively to the propagation of rare aroids. Alternatively, an aroid
collector could contract a willing commercial laboratory to propagate
a limited number of plants. When participating in a micropropagation program,
the aroid collector must observe one important caution: the demand for
collectors' aroids is very small, as compared to commercial cultivars,
therefore, the propagation of only a very few high quality specimens should
be contemplated. When this one caution is observed, the advantages of
aroid micropropagation include:
- the production of potentially
disease free plants,
- the conservation of endangered
species and rare cultivars,
- the potential of creating
new cultivars,
- and the international shipment
of aroids with much reduced quarantine restrictions.
Disease Free Aroids
Hartman (1974) was the first
to report the use of micropropagation for the purpose of producing disease
free aroids. He carefully dissected out the shoot tips, which consisted
of the apical meristem and a leaf primordium, and subsequently cultured
them on a chemically defined medium. He was able to produce Caladium
bicolor, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, and Colocasia esculenta
plants free of dasheen mosaic virus. In 1981, the Agricultural Research
Center, Apopka, Florida, released an improved variety of Dieffenbachia
maculata cv. Perfection given the cultivar name of 'Perfection-137B'
(Chase et al., 1981). Using a micropropagation system as the cornerstone
of his disease indexing program, Knaus (1976) selected D.
maculata 'Perfection-137B' on the basis of the freedom of systemic
pathogens, including dasheen mosaic virus, and on the basis of superior
horticultural characteristics. These same micropropagation techniques
can be used quite effectively to get disease free plants in other species
of aroids as well. Just because an aroid is micropropagated does not mean
that it is automatically disease free, or somehow immune to diseases.
Micropropagated aroids are no different from any other aroid in their
ability to resist diseases. They may only be considered to be disease
free if they have been specifically tested for the pathogen in question.
Conservation of Endangered Species and Rare Cultivars
Another very important use
of micropropagation is in the conservation of endangered species and rare
cultivars. Sara Oldfield indicated in her 1983 Aroideana article that
the propagation of rare aroid species can be an important aid to conservation.
Micropropagation can serve in this role very well by making it possible
to use a single plant as the progenitor of many clones in a relatively
short period of time, thereby making the plant more available to collectors.
Collecting pressure on wild populations is then reduced as was explained
above for Alocasia guttata var. imperialis N.E. Brown
of Creating New Cultivars
In a past issue of Aroideana,
Marcel Lecouffe (1981) explained how he had discovered a new cultivar
of Caladium humboldtii which he named 'Marcel'
from a micropropagated population. When the first author was commercially
micropropagating Alocasia
'Black Velvet', a new Alocasia ,probably from Borneo, he
discovered an individual plant among the larger population of clones that
had larger and thicker leaf laminae, thicker petioles, and more robust
growth overall. Additionally, there are a number of new syngonium cultivars
in the foliage plant industry that are mutations from tissue cultured
Syngonium podophyllum 'White Butterfly'. Several patented and trademarked
cultivars having red pigmentation in their leaves are produced by Agri
Starts, Inc., a micropropagation company in Apopka, Florida. All of these
aroids are examples of micropropagation serving as a source of new cultivars.
The mechanism of this phenomenon is not entirely understood. It is generally
referred to as somaclonal variation (Larkin et al, 1981).
Shipment of Aroids
Micropropagation also can be
a useful means of shipping aroids internationally. Aroid plantlets growing
in sterile containers, free of pests and diseases, have few quarantine
restrictions at the port of entry. Once the micropropagated aroids arrive
at their destination they can be either propagated further or removed
from their sterile conditions to be grown on to full sized plants.
is Not a Panacea
With all of these advantageous
uses of micropropagation for the aroid collector, we must keep in mind
that this propagation technique is not a cure-all for the problems that
might beset our plants. For example, a particular species that is difficult
to propagate by more conventional methods such as by cuttings or by seed,
may be just as difficult to micropropagate. Micropropagation is more likely
to produce less desirable plants due to somaclonal variation than it is
to produce uniquely desirable new cultivars. For a more detailed discussion
of the disadvantages of micropropagation, refer to Dr. Maciej Hempel's
informative web page from Sydney, Australia, "Does
micropropagation influence plant quality?"
Micropropagation for the Hobbyist Tissueculturist
Micropropagation can be done
at home with the use of very simple and inexpensive equipment, both home
made and purchased, so that anyone interested in trying to micropropagate
their favorite aroids can do so. The first step is to gather as much information
as you can by going to your local library to find the literature about
the techniques used for the specific genus or species you are interested
in. Examples are listed in Table 1.
Some of the books that reveal greater detail about the applied and basic
aspects of plant tissue culture science are listed in Table
2. Then refer to the plant tissue culture web pages, like those mentioned
above, to get further insights regarding micropropagation at home. Dr.
Acram Taji of the University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales,
Australia, has a very informative web page entitled "Plant
Tissue Culture for Home Gardeners" that covers the subject very
well. Rick Walker has a very informative web page about "Tissue
Culture in the Home Kitchen". Although Rick describes how to
do carnivorous plant tissue culture, he clearly explains through text
and photographs many of the same techniques, media, and equipment necessary
for the home micropropagation of aroids as well. Several companies offer
plant tissue culture equipment, supplies, and cultures, such as those
in Table 3. Most of these companies
have representatives specializing in customer service and technical support
that can help with basic questions and suggestions about home micropropagation.
Burnett, D. 1984. The cultivated
Alocasia. Aroideana 7(3 and 4).
Chase, A.R. et al. 1981. Perfection-137B,
a pathogen-free selection of Dieffenbachia maculata derived through
tissue culture. Circular S-280, Florida AES, IFAS, University of Florida,
Hartman, R.D. 1974. Dasheen
mosaic virus and other phytopathogens eliminated from caladium, taro,
and cocoyam by culture of shoot tips. Phytopath. 64: 237-240.
Hyndman, S.E. 1987. The advantages
of tissue culture for the aroid collector. Aroideana 10(3): 7-10.
Knauss, J.F. 1976. A tissue
culture method for producing Dieffenbachia maculata cv. Perfection
free of fungi and bacteria. Proc. Florida State Hort. Soc. 89:
Larkin, P.J. and W.R. Scowcroft.
1981. Somaclonal variation -- a novel source of variability from cell
cultures. Theor. Appl. Genet. 60: 197-214.
Lecoufle, M. 1981. Caladium
humboldtii and it's cultivar 'Marcel'. Aroideana 4(4): 114-115.
Morel, G. and R.H. Wetmore.
1951. Tissue culture of monocotyledons. Amer. J. Bot . 38:138-140.
Oldfield, S. 1983.
Trade in endangered species. Aroideana 6(3): 83-84.