22.12 Kb
Photo 1:
A. titanum (note measuring stick is resting
on the floor).
28.42 Kb
Photo 2:
A. titanum closeup of inflorescence.
42.66 Kb
Photo 3:
A. titanum closeup of peduncle.
20.56 Kb
Photo 4:
A. titanum, in 4 gallon (15 litre) pot.
25.70 Kb
Photo 5:
8:40pm, May 2, 1998; spathe starting to open, slight odor,
a few glistening droplets present inside spathe, height is
21 inches (54 cm) from top of soil.
31.34 Kb
Photo 6:
10:40 PM May 2, 1998 overpowering scent of a rotting animal
whose corpse is laying in a pan of pickled, cooked cabbage
(sour kraut).
37.63 Kb
Photo 7:
Another view at 10:40 pm, many droplets inside the spathe.
22.68 Kb
Photo 8:
2 AM, May 3, 1998, spathe is more open, the scent is still
the same.