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Krzystof Kozminski's Aroid Pages Archive is presented by the International Aroid Society |
Anchomanes difformis (Blume) Engl. |

This photo is taken about 2 months into the dormancy after the leaf on the plant below has wilted. Note that the roots stay alive while the plant is resting.
McClure. The tuber was about 2 inches across. This photograph is also available in larger size (25.1 kB). |
Close-up of the leaf. Just as in the seedlings of A.
hookeri, the emerging leaf separates into leaflets over the course
of several weeks. This one is still not quite done unfolding, about six
weeks after breaking the soil. This photograph is also available in larger size (24.5 kB). |
Yet another closeup; this one shows vicious thorns on the
petiole. This photograph is also available in larger size (16.2 kB). |
All photos Copyright © 1997 Krzysztof Kozminski