Krzystof Kozminski's Aroid Pages Archive is presented by the International Aroid Society


Amorphophallus prainii Hook. f.


Geographic distribution: Thailand, Malacca, Sumatra.

This seems to be one vigorous species. Most of the seedlings are up to their third stem within 6 months after sowing, sometimes with all stems still alive. So far, the maximum count of simultaneously alive stems was seven!

Other pages with this species:

General view of a particularly vigorous seedling. About 5 months after sowing, it is growing its fourth petiole, even though the second and third ones are quite alive. Only the third stem started to show some real patterning; the first one was solid grassy greeen, the second one had some very faint mottling visible.
Three seedlings of A.prainii have developed into strangely different plants. More details are available on another page. The purple flower is an azalea, not an amorphophallus, in case anyone is wondering :-)

I made a serious mistake by putting these plants outside too early, and nearly lost them to a windy and cold night in April. However, once they got moved to the greenhouse, they recovered auite admirably. Here's one of them.

Other pages with this species:

All photos Copyright © 1996-1997 Krzysztof Kozminski

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