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Papers of Peter C. Boyce
Peter C. Boyce has graciously chosen the International Aroid Society website to archive a selection of his published papers.
- | Low Shook Ling, Wong Sin Yeng & Peter C. Boyce, Naming the chaos: generic redelimitation in Schismatoglottideae (Araceae), Webbia DOI:10.1080/00837792.2017.1409940 (2018)
- | Alocasia Clade of Peninsular Malaysia I Alocasia farisii - [Nordic Journal of Botany doi 10.1111njb.01436] - Zulhazman, Norzielawati & Boyce 2017
- | Kartini Saibeh, Peter C. Boyce & Wong Sin Yeng,Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LV: Schismatoglottis saafiei and Schismatoglottis zainuddinii spp. nov. from Tawau Hills, Sabah., Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.01554
- | Nguyen V.D., Nguyen V.D. & Boyce, P.C. Pothos vietnamensis sp. nov. (Araceae-Pothoideae-Potheae) from Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany doi 10.1111/njb.01434
- | Wong Sin Yeng & Peter C. Boyce, Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XX: Homalomena lambirensis sp. nov. from Sarawak with well-recorded pollination biology., Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.01589
- | Zulhazman Hamzah, Norzielawati Salleh & Boyce, P.C. Studies on the Alocasia Clade (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia I: Alocasia farisii, a remarkable new species from limestone in Kelantan Nordic Journal of Botany doi 10.1111njb.01436
- | Boyce, P.C, D. Sookchaloem, W.L.A. Hetterscheid, G. Gusman, N. Jacobsen, T. Idei & Nguyen V.D. Acoraceae & Araceae. Flora of Thailand 11(2), pp 225+89 plates
- | Mashhor M., P.C. Boyce, Ahmad Sofiman O. & Baharuddin S. The Araceae of Peninsular Malaysia. Penerbit USM ix + 146.
- | Thai Biogeography Group (TBG): The Current and Future Status of Floristic Provinces in Thailand. Land Use, Climate Change and Biodiversity Modelling: Perspectives and Applications, eds: Yongyut Trisurat (with Shrestha and Alkemade), Chpt 11: 219-247.
- | Boyce, P.C. Aroids of Borneo. GardenAsia 34: 16-21.
- | Haigh, A., S.J. Mayo, T.B. Croat, L. Reynolds, M. Mora Pinto, P.C. Boyce, L. Lay, J. Bogner, B. Clark, C. Kostelac & A. Hay. Interactive web-taxonomy for the Araceae - www.cate-araceae.org Blumea 34: 13-15.
- | Boyce, P.C. The Gingers of Sarawak III - The Miniature Species. Bulletin Heliconia Society International 14(1): 7-10.
- | Haigh, A., J. Bogner, P.C. Boyce, M.H. Grayum, C. Kostelac, T.B. Croat, A. Hay, W.L.A. Hetterscheid, R. Keating, L. Lay, S.J. Mayo, M. Mora, L. Reynolds, M. Sellaro & Wong S.Y. A new website for Araceae taxonomy on www.cate-araceae.org. Aroideana 31: 148-154.
- | Boyce, P.C. The Gingers of Sarawak I - The Giants. Bulletin Heliconia Society International 13(1-2): 1-5.
- | Boyce, P.C. The Gingers of Sarawak I - The Giants. The HSPR Newsletter 3(1): 1-3.
- | Boyce, P.C. The Gingers of Sarawak II - The Medium-Sized Species. The HSPR Newsletter 3(2): 1-3.
- | Boyce, P.C. The Gingers of Sarawak III - The Miniature Species. The HSPR Newsletter 3(3): 1-3.
- | Parnell, J. A. N., D.A. Simpson, K. Chayamarit, T. Boonthavikoon, P.C. Boyce, P. Chantaranothai, B. de Wilde, M.H.P. Jebb, A.M. Muasya, J. Macklin, A. Paton, C.A. Pendry, R. Pooma, S. Suddee & P. Wilkin. The Bangkok Forest Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Trinity College Dublin plant collecting trips in Thailand 1995-2002. Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 33: 145-156.
- | Boyce, P.C. Araceae. In: M. Cheek, B.J. Pollard, I. Darbyshire, J-M. Onana & C. Wild (eds). The Plants of Kupe, Mwanenguba and the Bakossi Mountains, Cameroon, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 426-429
- | Boyce, P.C. Colour on a plate. Country Life Gardens (April 22): 136-139.
- | Boyce, P.C. Plant Focus on Arums. The English Garden, UK Issue March 2004 78: 39-41.
- | Boyce, P.C. The Aroids of Borneo. Folia Malesiana 5(3&4): 123-170.
- | Boyce, P.C. The banes of my life. Country Life Gardens (August 12): 40-43.
- | Kiew, R., Connie G, Julia S. & P.C. Boyce. The Understorey Flora. In: H.S. Yong, F.S.P. Ng & E.E.L. Yen (Eds). Sarawak Bau Limestone Biodiversity, Sarawak Mus. J. 59, no.80 (New Series); Special Issue No.6: 105-146.
- | Parnell, J. A. N., D.A. Simpson, J. Moat, D.W. Kirkup, P. Chantaranothai, P.C. Boyce, P. Bygrave, S. Dransfield, M.H.P. Jebb, J. Macklin, C. Meade, D.J. Middleton, A.M. Muasya, A. Prajaksood, C.A. Pendry, R. Pooma, S. Suddee & P. Wilkin. Plant collecting spread and densities: their potential impact on biogeographical studies in Thailand. Journal of Biogeography 30(2): 193-209.
- | Govaerts, R., D.G. Frodin, J. Bogner, P.C. Boyce. et al. World checklist and bibliography of Araceae (and Acoraceae), Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, xi+560pp.
- | Parnell, J.A.N., D.A. Simpson, D.W. Kirkup, P. Chantaranothai, P.C. Boyce, M.H.P. Jebb, J. Macklin, C. Meade, D.J. Middleton, C.A. Pendry & S. Suddee. Plant collectors, collecting rates and distribution patterns in Thailand and their impact on conservation prioritisation. In: R. de Jong, M.C. Roos and A. Fortuin (Eds.). Abstract of Proceedings of Biogeography of Southeast Asia 2000 organisms and orogenesis, p. 33.
- | Boyce, P.C. Arisaema kiushianum. Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 16(2): 84-89, Pl. 364.
- | Boyce, P.C. Daphniphyllum himalaense subsp. macropodum Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 9(2): 67-72, Pl. 376.
- | Kite, G.C., W.L.A. Hetterschied, M.J. Lewis, P.C. Boyce, J. Ollerton, E. Cocklin, A. Diaz & M.J.S Simmonds, Inflorescence odours and pollinators of Arum and Amorphophallus (Araceae). In: S.J. Owens & P.J. Rudall (eds), Reproductive Biology, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 295-315.
- | Mayo, S.J., J. Bogner & P.C. Boyce. Araceae. In: K. Kubitzki (ed), The Familes and Genera of Vascular Plants, pp. 26-74.
- | Mayo, S.J., J. Bogner & P.C. Boyce. The Genera of Araceae project. In: H. Li et al. (eds), Acta Bot. Yunnan. Suppl. X, Current advances in Araceae studies, pp. 4-11.
- | Boyce, P.C. & A. Hay. Diversity in shoot architecture in Pothos (Araceae: Pothoideae): Observations towards a new infrageneric classification. In: J. Dransfield et al. (eds), Plant Diversity in Malesia III, pp. 51-58.
- | Mayo, S.J., J. Bogner & P.C. Boyce. The Genera of Araceae. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, xi + 370 pp.
- | Boyce, P.C. Araceae at the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Newslett. Int. Aroid Soc. 18(4): 3-4.
- | Boyce, P.C. Arisarum; Arum; Biarum; Pothos. In: World of Plants, Asahi Shimbun Publ., Japan. [in Japanese], pp. 71-72, 82-83.
- | Boyce, P.C. Biogeography of Pothos (Araceae: Pothoideae: Pothoeae) in Indo-China. Proceedings of the Flora of Thailand Meeting, Phuket, p.27.
- | Boyce, P.C. Arum purpureospathum. In: D. Phitos et al. (eds.), Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece, World Wide Fund for Nature, p. 58.
- | Boyce, P.C., P. Brewster & R. Wilford. Cultivation of aroids at Kew. Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 12(3): 168-173.
- | Mayo, S.J., J. Bogner & P.C. Boyce. The Arales. In: P.J. Rudall et al. (eds), Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution, pp. 277-286.
- | Mayo, S.J., J. Bogner & P.C. Boyce. The Genera of Araceae project. Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 12(3): 125-126.
- | Boyce, P.C. The genus Arum (Araceae) in Greece and Cyprus. Ann. Mus. Goulandris 9: 27-38.
- | Boyce, P.C. Two Asian Asarum species Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 11(2): 59-60.
- | Hay, A., J. Bogner & P.C. Boyce. Nephthytis Schott (Araceae) in Borneo: A new species and new generic record for Malesia. Novon 4(4): 365-368.
- | Boyce, P.C. The Genus Arum. The Genus Arum, 196 pp.
- | Boyce, P.C. Two Japanese species of Asarum Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 9(2) : 67-72.
- | Boyce, P.C. Arisaema nikoense Nakai var. nikoense f. nikoense. Quart. Bull. Alpine Gard. Soc. 54: 348.
- | Boyce, P.C. Pinellia tripartita. Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 5(1): 18-21, Pl. 95.
- | Boyce, P.C. Observations on aroids. Quart. Bull. Alpine Gard. Soc. 54: 35-42.