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Xth Aroid Conference
Nancy, France - July 2009
The following are presentations from the 10th Aroid Conference in Nancy, France in July of 2009. Although the index is freely available, you will need to login in order to view the presentations - they are available to IAS members and attendees only. You can use the same login as for the newsletter and members area, or if you are a conference attendee who is not a member of the IAS, you will receive a username and password combination by e-mail. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to mail Albert Huntington to have them resolved.
Please note that these slides are for your private enjoyment and may not be reproduced except with written permission of the authors.
The files are around 5MB in size with the exception of Dr. Tom Croat's encyclopedic presentation on the IAS, which is closer to 25MB. Download with a fast connection is recommended.
Of particular interest to aroiders will be:
- Dr. Croat's history of the IAS with many pictures of personalities over the years.
- Wilbert Hetterscheid's synthesis of Amorphophallus
- Niels Jacobsen on Cryptocoryne
- Various items from Day 2 on Horticulture
The majority of the presentations have many nice photographs to accompany the research - it's not a difficult read, and most have some interest for both the scientific and non-scientific audience.
Finally - if you are not a member of the IAS, or if your membership has lapsed, please consider joining for access to this content and much more on the members page, our journal Aroideana, and our quarterly newsletters. It's easy to join online, and your dues help support aroid research and education.

Day 1
| |  | Peter Boyce Araceae for the Flora of Thailand
| |  | Pedro Diaz Jimenez, Maria de los Angeles Guadarrama Olivera Preliminary List of Araceae in the state of Tabasco, Mexico
| |  | Thomas B. Croat Araceae of the Guianas
| |  | Wong Sin Yeng Changing Concepts in the Schismatoglottid Aliance
| |  | Niels Jacobsen et. al. Variation and the evolution in the genus Cryptocoryne ( Araceae )
| |  | Li Heng, Ji Yunheng Endemism of Araceae in China
| |  | Nguyen Van Du Some New Discoveries of Araceae in Indochina
| |  | Peter Boyce Perspectives on the Aracea of Sunda: What do we really know?
| |  | Melanie Medecilo The Current Status of Phillipine Araceae
| |  | Thomas B. Croat Review of Monographic and Revisionary Studies with Neotropical Araceae
| |  | Thomas B. Croat Araceae of Central America
| Day 2
| |  | Geoffrey Kibby Growing Aroids in the UK
| |  | K.S. Patil et. al. Biodiversity conservation of critically rare, endangered and endimic Cryptocoryne cognata, Schott. from India
| |  | David Scherberich The Aroid Collection of the Jardin Botanique de Lyon
| |  | Kit Strange Cultivation of temperate Aroids
| |  | Genevičve Ferry The Araceae collection of Nancy Botanical Garden
| |  | Denis Barabé Scientific research in botanic gardens: the Araceae
| |  | Ahmad Sofiman Othman et. al. Cryptocoryne elliptica, Genetic Analysis
| |  | Marcelo Sellaro Horticulture of Tropical Aroids at Kew
| |  | Thomas B. Croat The International Aroid Society: History of its founding and its role in Research with Araceae
| Day 3
| |  | Hasan Akan The genus Biarum Schott in Turkey
| |  | Marion Chartier Different geographical variation patterns of floral odours and pollinators in two Arum species
| |  | Anita Diaz Femme Fatal: The Benefit and Cost of Trap Pollination
| |  | Pierre Dizengremel Role of Spadix Respiration in Araceae Pollination
| |  | Anahi Espindola and Nadir Alvarez Biogeography of Arum maculatum pollinators
| |  | Heiko Hentrich and Gerhard Gottsberger Floral scent as isolation factor in three sympatric euglossine-pollinated Araceae species
| |  | Wilbert Hetterscheid & Cyrille Claudel 20 years of Amorphophallus ( and what it does to you...... )
| |  | Artur Campos Dália Maia & Clemens Schlindwein Taccarum ulei ( Spathicarpeae, Araceae), an unexpected cantharophilous aroid
| |  | Maria de Lourdes C. Soares Morais and Simon J. Mayo Morphometrics of leaf outlines in Heteropsis ( Araceae ) using Elliptic Fourier Analysis
| |  | Natalie Cusimano, Simon J. Mayo, Josef Bogner Progress in the phylogeny and classification of the Araceae