Your search for articles mentioning the genus Colocasia has found 28 articles.

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Michael Madison A new species of Xanthosoma from Ecuador
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 ABSTRACT: Xanthosoma weeksii Madison, sp. nov. is described.
Mark D. Moffler Qualitative observations on tropical aroid cold tolerance (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: As winter approaches each year, we all become concerned about protecting our tropical plants, especially those which are the most susceptible to cold damage. The fall of 1978 was mild in Tampa, with temperatures seldom reaching below 100C (500F). The mild fall gave many of us a false sense of security and steps for cold protection were put off until "tomorrow". It wa~ this unfortunate procrastination that lead to a premature study of cold tolerance in aroids. My initial idea was to test several landscape and porch plants for cold susceptibility, but unfortunately, I unintentionally tested 46 different aroids.
Mark D. Moffler, Thomas B. Croat, Craig Phillips Short communications
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Marianne Knecht The uses of Araceae in African folklore and traditional medicine
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 ABSTRACT: In many countries of Africa much effort is now being put into research on medicinal plants, and accounts already exist which list those species that are used in some form or other in traditional African medicine. However, these accounts do not include the personal observations of botanists, who have gathered valuable information from local people during the course of their fieldwork. The following summary includes statements that I have obtained during my own field tours in Ivory Coast in West Africa.
K. Christiana Figueres Colocasia esculenta in the Pacific (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Colocasia is a native of the low wetlands of tropical South East Asia, but is now being cultivated throughout Polynesia, Melanesia, Indonesia, Egypt and tropical America. The wide diffusion of the plant has made it acquire many local names; among others : "talo" or "dalo" in the South Pacific, "kalo" in Hawaii, "taro" in tropical America, "nampi" in Central America, and "coco-yam" in the West Indies.
Arnold Melim The production of seed by taro
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 ABSTRACT: Taro, (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott), is a vegetatively propagated crop with many varieties derived through vegetative mutations. Although flowers are produced, several investigators have suggested that taro is sterile, producing no viable seeds or if it does so, rarely. However, more recent reports indicate that seeds can be produced by hand-pollination. The following are my observations and experiences in growing taro seedlings.
Marcel Lecoufle Propogation [sic] of caladiums
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 ABSTRACT: Division, pollination and propagation by seed is discussed.
Michael H. Grayum The aroid flora of Finca La Selva (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Costa Rica is a small Central American nation about the size of Denmark, with a remakable array of climatic regimes, and altitudes ranging from sea level to nearly four thousand meters. One can ascend from semidesert scrub forests on the Pacific slope, up through sodden cloud forests to pa'ramo (a kind of a high altitude chaparral) on the highest peaks, and down again on the Caribbean slope, through alders, elms and oaks, to humid lowlands and rain forests. The plants growing in this multifaceted domain are incredibly diverse, even by tropical standards. Costa Rica boasts nearly twenty-five percent more species of dicots, for example, than the lush tropical isle of Java, and nearly two and a half times as many species of dicot epiphytes (Burger, 1980) - this despite the fact that Java is two and a half times larger than Costa Rica and has yielded fifty percent more herbarium specimens per unit area (Prance., 1978).
Dan H. Nicholson Translation of Engler's classification of Araceae with updating (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: When Hooker (1883) was preparing the treatment of Araceae (Aroideae) for the monumental 'Genera Plantarum,' he basically followed the Schottian system, incorporating Engler's (1879) reduction in the number of genera. The first system was "popularized" by Hutchinson (1959) who, with a reversal of the sequence (bisexual genera first), published essentially an English translation of Hooker's latin. Engler (1905-1920), in his monumental 'Das Pflanzenreich', produced his final treatment of the family, including all then known species in nine volumes. This work remains the standard reference for the family as a whole.
David Burnett The problems of names for Araceae: A proposal for hybrid and cultivars (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: There are internationally accepted rules for naming plants at all of these levels. Further there are rules for naming hybrids between Genera (there are probably no known intergeneric hybrids in Araceae): Hybrids between species and hybrids between cultivars. Generally species hybrids are to be named by a formula (and, if appropriate, a name) and hybrids between cultivars by a name along the lines of cultivars. What I propose in this article is that we must depart, slightly, from the rules of the Code. What I regard as two slight departures may seem, to some, as major. This is a matter for the members to decide.
F. D. Ghani Ornamental and edible aroids of peninsular Malaysia (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Most aroids are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics with a few species in temperate regions. The majority occur in the countries of South East Asia, South and Central America, Africa and the West Indies. The family has a total of 110 genera and ca. 2500 species (Croat, 1979), 92% of which are in South East Asia and Central and South America. In Malaysia alone there are 23 native genera and about 120 species (Henderson, 1954).
Thomas B. Croat, Nancy Lambert The Araceae of Venezuela (Buy Back Issue)
 ABSTRACT: An illustrated treatment of 171 Venezuelan Araceae taxa is provided. Discussion of range, species characteristics and distinction from similar or closely related species is made for each taxon. Sixteen species, three subspecies and one variety are described as new, and three new combinations are made.
Peter Matthews Wild taro and the context of cultivation (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Two historical questions of primary importance are, first, what was the natural distribution range of taro before its use by humans? Secondly, in what areas has cultivation of local indigenous taro taken place? The present distribution of taro is the outcome of selection and transfer by humans, as well as natural selection dispersal.
Josef Bogner Morphological variation in aroids (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: The Araceae or aroid., are a large family of about 2400 species, grouped in 107 genera and these again in nine subfamilies. The aroids are mainly a tropical family and are distributed world-wide. They show great variation in their morphological characters, which will be described in this paper along with some other data.
R. Hegnauer Phytochemistry and Chemotaxonomy of the Araceae
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 ABSTRACT: Many Aroids taste painfully acrid and are toxic. Nevertheless the family yields a number of tropical food crops and many ornamental plants. Phytochemistry and chemotaxonomy of Aroids is discussed.
Chris A. C. Okonkwo 'Anyamanya' Cocoyam
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 ABSTRACT: Taro, one of the edible cocoyams, is a major root crop of tropical countries. 'Anyamanya' appears to be a new mutant varie ty. 'Anyamanya' is fairly resistant to Sclerotium rolfsii, the causative organism of cocoyam rot disease; flowers naturally under field conditions in one growing season; has a high multiplication ratio and quicker crop establishment; and probably contains little or no calcium oxalate crystals.
Hans Visser A big aroid
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 ABSTRACT: Two years ago I received some seeds of Colocasia gigantea. The seeds came from a good friend of mine who also has an aroid collection. A big difference between our collections is that he can grow his plants outdoors.
Thomas B. Croat Ecology and life forms of Araceae (Buy Back Issue)
 ABSTRACT: The most interesting aspect of the family's ecology is the diversity of adaptive life forms. These range from submerged to free-floating, and emergent aquatics to terrestrial plants and to epilithic or epiphytic forms which may be true epiphytes or hemiepiphytic (growing on trees but rooted in soil). Hemiepiphytism is diverse itself, with some species beginning their lives as terrestrial seedlings, then growing skototropically (toward darkness) until they arrive at the nearest suitable tree ( usually a relatively large one which casts a darker shadow) where a physiological change takes place allowing them to grow toward light (Strong & Ray, 1975). They grow as appressed epiphytes on trees or as vines in the canopy. Others begin their lives as true epiphytes, some reconverting to hemiepiphytes by producing long, dangling roots contacting the forest floor below.
Julius O. Boos, Hans E. Boos Additions to the aroid flora of Trinidad with notes on their probable origins and uses (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: These notes are based on collections and observations commencing in July 1988, when the senior author visited his homeland. They document recent discoveries of both native and introduced species of aroids and attempt where possible to explain reasons for some of the introductions.
Gitte Peterson Chromosome numbers of the genera Araceae (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: An overview of the chromosome numbers of the genera of Araceae is given.
Dorothy C. Bay Thermogenesis in aroids (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Thermogenesis, as it occurs in the plant inflorescence has been observed and studied for over two centuries. At least seven thermogenic families of plants are known including Annonaceae, Araceae, Arecaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Cycadaceae, Cyclanthaceae, and Nymphaeaceae. The sequence of thermogenic events is very precise and highly synchronized in each species. The physiology is not well understood, but the recent identification of salicylic acid as the triggering hormone for thermogenesis has opened the door for further research, especially in the areas of plant signal transduction pathways and systemically acquired resistances. Thermogenesis has proven to be an advantageous process to plants for maximizing pollination and limiting hybridization. Beetle pollinators also benefit from the phenomenon.
Thomas B. Croat History and current status of systemic research with Araceae (Buy Back Issue)
 ABSTRACT: This paper will cover all systematic and floristic work that deals with Araceae which is known to me. It will not, in general, deal with agronomic papers on Araceae such as the rich literature on taro and its cultivation, nor will it deal with smaller papers of a technical nature or those dealing with pollination biology. It will include review papers on technical subjects and all works, regardless of their nature, of current aroid researchers. It is hoped that other reviews will be forthcoming which will cover separately the technical papers dealing with anatomy, cytology, physiology, palenology, and other similar areas and that still another review will be published on the subject of pollination biology of Araceae and the rich literature dealing with thermogenesis.
Makoto Tahara, Viet Xuan Nguyen, Hiromichi Yoshino Isozymes analyses of Asian diploid and triploid taro (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: In order to investigate phylogenetic relationships between diploid and triploid taros, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, 13 enzyme systems were analyzed for isozyme variations using 59 accessions collected in Nepal and Yunnan Province of China. A total of 115 banding positions were discovered, which successfully differentiated most of the accessions. Isozyme bands specific to triploids were observed only at five out of 115 positions, indicating autopolyploid origin of the triploids: almost all isozyme variations in triploids are derived from those in diploids. The Wagner parsimony method, applied to the band presence or absence data of 59 accessions, determined 65 most parsimonious trees. These trees contain consistent relationships among most of the Nepal and some of the Yunnan accessions; entire accessions are clearly divided into two geographical groups, and diploids and triploids tend to form separate groups in each geographical group. Triploid taros are believed to arise from diploids by fertilization of an unreduced gamete with a normal gamete. Unreduced gamete formation can occur repeatedly in any environment, but the triploid taros are generally found in marginal environments. Based on this evidence, it is concluded that geographical differentiation proceeded between Nepal and Yunnan, and triploids were formed and established as adapted plants in each area.
Makoto Tahara, Seiko Suefuji, Toshinori Ochiai, Hiromichi Yoshino Phylogenetic relationships of taro (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Nucleotide sequences in two non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA, tRNA inter- geneic spacer CtrnL-trnF) and ribosomal protein gene (rp116 and rpll4) linker, were determined for 13 accessions of taro, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, C. gigantea Hook. f, Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) G. Don, A. odora (Roxb.) K. Koch, Xanthosoma sagittifolium Schott and Schismatoglottis spp. using polymerase chain reaction (peR) and a direct sequence method of the amplified DNA. Sequence variations of nucleotide substitution, insertion or deletion and slippage were observed at 55 positions in the trnL-trnF inter-genic spacer of 395 bp length; most of the changes were found among genera but not within species. There was no sequence differentiation in the rpllinker among the accessions in this study. Phylogenetic trees determined by the neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods using the sequence variations in the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer showed distinct evolutionary lineage of Schismatogloftis, Xanthosoma and Colocasial Alocasia; however, the relationships within Colocasia/ Alocasia taxa were not clearly defined.
J. Hernandez Notes on the Araceae of Botel Tobago (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Araceae were observed on Botel Tobago. Ecological observations were made on all species seen. Pollinators were observed and collected from Homalomena philippinensis Engl. Zheng and Lu's (2000) species account for Schismatoglottis kotoensis (Hayata) T. C. Huang, J. L. Hsiao, and H. Y. Yeh is translated.
S. Roy Chowdhury, K. Kannan, N. Sahoo, H. N. Verma Environmental control of diurnal variation in photosynthesis in swamp taro leaves (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: In situ gas exchange measurement in leaves of swamp taro, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, grown in swampy land, was studied during a natural diurnal period (0700 hours to 1600 hours) at peak runner production stage (225 DAP). With initial increase in photosynthetic rate up to 1100 hours there was a mid day decline at 1330-1500 hours, followed by further increase at 1530-1600 hours. The photosynthetically active radiation, (PPFD; R2 = 0.61*), air (R2 = 0.81**) and leaf temperature (R2 = 0.80·*) showed significant relationship with photosynthesis indicating importance of light intensity and temperature on photosynthesis rate. The optimum PPFD noted was 1,190 fJ-mole·m-2 S-1 at maximum photosynthesis rate of 9.9778 fJ-mole CO2'm-2 S-I. Similarly optimum air and leaf temperature was found to be 34.4°C and 34.6°c for maximum photosynthesis rate of 11.1887 and 11.2181fJ-mole CO2 m-2 S-1 respectively. The PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density) appeared critical for increasing leaf temperature directly (R2 = 0.92··) rather than its effect on CO2 fixation rate (R2 = 0.61*). The closer positive association of RH (R2 = 0.69**) with stomatal conductance (g) suggested that CO2 diffusion in swamp taro leaf was controlled by humidity and stomatal conductance while fixation of CO2 appeared under control of light, temperature and other non-stomatal factors.
Vicent Lebot Taro (Colocasia esculenta) genetic improvement: A need for international collaboration (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: There is a strong desire to safeguard taro (Colocasia esculenta) continued production by breeding for improved production. The two major constraints to the development of taro cultivation, processing and value-adding are: its insufficient adaptation to the changing climate (especially its limited adaptation to drought) and its chemotype (low dry matter, starch and amylose contents and high oxalate content). Both can be genetically improved. The chances of getting a high yielding clone, with excellent eating quality, are generally very low and they become much lower when the selection procedure includes additional traits. Therefore breeders have to test a lot of offspring individuals, even when the parents are the best existing genotypes. The sustainable and safe use of taro germplasm cannot be addressed if only one gene pool is studied. There is an urgent need to exchange genetic resources. This makes sense both in scientific terms and in terms of technical co-operation between developing countries. The present paper highlights some of the present constraints to taro genetic improvement and discuss future perspectives opened by the international exchange of true seeds.
T. V. Price, Kila Poka, Gamoga Bogarei Observations on the liberation (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Mature fruit heads of Wild Type (WT) and cultivar 'Bangkok' taro (Colocasia esculenta) plants growing in East New Britain were observed with seeds liberated onto the surfaces of the fruits through holes in the berries. Drosophilid flies were often associated with these holes and were attracted to both attached and detached fruit heads, pierced the berries but did not oviposit. This is the first record of flies associated with liberation of taro seed under natural conditions. Following liberation, some seeds were deposited onto leaves of adjacent plants. Detached fruit heads of 'Bangkok' exposed at ground level, shrivelled without further seed liberation. Entire fruit heads of WT were deposited onto the soiVleaf litter surface following collapse of the peduncle. Masses of seeds were also liberated onto the leaf litter/soil surface following breakdown of the berries. Seeds of WT liberated naturally were highly viable (80% germination) and colonies of germinated seedlings were observed arising from the naturally deposited WT seed masses on the soil surface. The role of flies, other animal vectors and environment in liberation, dissemination and germination of taro seeds under natural conditions is discussed.