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Anthurium friedrichsthalii Schott,

Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 5: 65. 1855. Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Lindl. var. friedrichsthalii (Schott) Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25: 370. 1898. TYPE: Guatemala. Insula Cativo, Friedrichsthal s.n. (W, type destroyed; Photo of Schott Aroid Drawing #322, NYBG Neg. #N.S.3819).

Anthurium lineanfolium Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25: 370. 1898. TYPE: Panama. Canal Zone: Río Chagres, Lehmann 4538 (B, K).
Epiphyte, usually pendent, often loosely attached by only a few roots; stem usually less than 15 cm long, 1-1.5 cm diam.; cataphylls weathering to coarse, linear fibers; petioles 1.5-14 cm long, mostly less than 10 cm long, ca. 2-3 mm diam., terete or flattened adaxially; blades linear, 12-56 cm long, 0.8-4 cm wide, subacute at base. Inflorescence pendent; peduncles 19-30 cm long, ca. 2.5 mm diam., terete; spathe linear, pale green, 1-5 cm long, 3-5 mm wide; spadix pale green, sometimes tinged purplish, turning purplish to brownish, 3-15 cm long, 4�5 mm diam.; berries pale yellow-orange, irregularly shaped, broader than long, ca. 5 mm long, 5-8 mm wide; seeds 3 or 4. See Croat (1983:297) for a more complete description.

The species is found from Costa Rica (possibly Guatemala) to Colombia at elevations from sea level to usually 800 m. In Costa Rica and Panama it is common in tropical moist forest and is also known from premontane wet and tropical wet forest.

Anthurium friedrichsthalii is recognized by its pendent habit and thick, strap-shaped, bicolored, punctate leaves with the midrib prominently raised on both sides. Also distinctive are the longpedunculate inflorescence, the thin, lanceolate, green spathe that promptly withers, the long, sessile, usually brownish to purplish spadix, and the orange berries that are broader than long, indented at the apex, and broader in the direction of the axis than perpendicular to the axis. Engler (1905) placed this species in section Leptanthurium with Anthurium gracile, but it is a member of section Porphyrochitonium differing from the more typical members of that section only in its linear leaves and pendent habit. The species is closest to A. brevispadix, which differs in having a long-stipitate, stubby, pale greenish spadix with two to three flowers visible per spiral and stamens that remain exposed after anthesis. The species has been confused with smaller plants of Anthurium pendens, but these collections can be distinguished by having slightly broader blades that usually dry blackened. In addition, A. pendens has anthers visible on drying while those of A. friedrichsthalii are strongly retracted.

Particularly noteworthy is Mori & Kallunki 6392 with a peduncle less than 6 cm long and exposed stamens; it is also reported to have a white spathe that is otherwise not reported for Anthurium friedrichsthalii. It appears, however, not to be closely related to Nee et al. 8758, which has leaves typical for A. friedrichsthalii but has exserted stamens. Additional collections of these plants are necessary before any decision can be made of their status.

Anthurium friedrichsthalii is similar to A. longistipitatum, which has relatively long, strap-shaped leaves but that species has leaves with the midrib almost flat beneath and a long-stipitate spadix. Similarly narrow-leaved plants of A. wendlingeri could be confused with A. friedrichsthalii, but that species has the upper surface velvety (epidermal cells prominently raised on dried specimens) and has a generally much longer spadix that is white to grayish white at anthesis and soon coils like a corkscrew. Noteworthy is the fact that though Schott ascribes the type of Anthurium friedrichsthalii to Guatemala not a single collection has been seen from that country. The specimen was perhaps erroneously labeled.

Map of Mesoamerican specimens with coordinates

Costa Rica Cartago: Río Tuis, 600 m,, 4 May 1956, Williams & Molina 19573 (MO).
Costa Rica Cartago:, , Croat 71839 (MO).
Costa Rica Guanacaste: 1540 m, 10.21N 84.48W, 20 Aug 1988, Haber & Zuchowski 8626 (CR).
Costa Rica Heredia: 1100 m, 10.24.04N 85.03.03W, 5 July 1990, Gerardo Carballo 184 (MO).
Costa Rica Heredia: Finca La Selva, 100 m,, , Jacobs 2669 (DUKE).
Costa Rica Heredia: 50 m, 10.26N 83.58W, 7 August 1979, W.D. Stevens 13484 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 20-170 m, 10.41N 83.38W, 16-23 Jan 1986, Warren Douglas Stevens 23739 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 20-170 m, 10.41N 83.38W, 15-20 Sep 1986, Warren Douglas Stevens 24421 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 2-4 m, 10.47N 83.37W, 20 March 1987, W.D. Stevens, G. Herrera & O.M. Montiel 25114 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 280 m, 10.12N 83.49W, 15 June 1984, Michael H. Grayum, Pam Sleeper & Amos Bien 3281 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 250 m, 10.00.30N 83.26.00W, 10 September 1988, Michael Grayum, G. Herrera, R. Robles & A. Martínez 8949 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 12 m, 10.38N 83.45W, 22 April 1990, Michael Grayum 9841 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 10-20 m, 10.40N 83.40W, 13-14 Sep 1986, Gerrit Davidse & Gerardo Herrera 31072 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 10-80 m, 10.40.30N 8.39.30W, 17-18 Sep 1986, Gerrit Davidse & Gerardo Herrera 31402 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 100 m, 10.24N 83.33W, 16 August 1988, Rafael Robles Gerardo Herrera & Luis Flores 2076 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 4 m, 10.31N 83.30W, 22 December 1987, Rafael Robles 1474 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 150-260 m, 8.41N 83.32W, 3 March 1985, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 59761 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 200 m, 8.45.15N 83.23.35W, 14 Dec. 1990, Herrera 4782 (MO, CR).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 0 m, 8.27N 83.33W, 8 April 1988, C. Kernan 392 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 1-20 m, 8.28N 83.35W, 2 February 1989, C. Kernan 930 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 160 m, 8.40N 83.34W, 3 May 1988, Barry Hammel R. Robles & J. Marín 16824 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: R.B. Monteverde; Cordillera de Tilarán, 1700 m, 10.19N 84.48W, 6 March 1990, Erick Bello 2116 (CR).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: R.B. Monteverde; Cordillera de Tilarán, 1300 m, 10.16N 84.22W, 4 May 1991, Erick Bello, Eladio & Roy Cruz 2717 (CR, MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: R.N.V.S. Golfito; Valle de Coto Colorado, 5 m, 08.39N 83.10W, 2 February 1992, Nelson Zamora, Hammel, Grayum, Herrera & Aguilar 1776 (CR).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: R.F. Golfo Dulce; Península de Osa, 250 m, 08.42.50N 83.31.42W, 17 January 1991, Gerardo Herrera 4842 (CR, MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 50 m, 08.42.01N 83.30.48W, 11 September 1996, Thomas B. Croat & Dylan Hannon 79231 .
Costa Rica San José: R.B. Carara; Valle del Tárcoles, 200-500 m, 09.45.30N 84.32.20W, 3 April 1993, Barry Hammel, A. Gentry, M. Grayum, N. Zamora et al. 18910 (CR).
Nicaragua Río San Juan: 11.02N 083.48W, 29 Julio 1996, Ricardo Rueda, Indiana Coronado y Norlan Tercero 4634 (MO).
Panama : SEA LEVEL f,, , Ingram 1782 (MO).
Panama :, 16 Apr. 1974, Sheffer 260 (MO).
Panama :, 21 June 1973, Sheffer 123 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 10-50 m,, 12-16 Aug. 1938, Woodson et al. 1883 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 5 m, 9.5N 81.35W, 8 August 1987, Gordon McPherson 11425 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 850-950 m, 8.45N 82.15W, 25 June 1986, Gordon McPherson 9670 (MO).
Panama Canal Area:, 22 May 1969, Lazor & Correa 3508 (FSU).
Panama Chiriquí: Burica Península, 400-500 m,, 24 Feb. 1973, Liesner 191 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: 150 m, 8.46N 80.27W, 11 Sept. 1987, Thomas B. Croat 67475 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: 600 m, 8.45N 80.30W, 7 Feb. 1983, C. Hamilton & G. Davidse 2877 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: Continental Divide, 1200 ft., 8.38N 80.36W, 13 Dec. 1980, Sytsma et al. 2396 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: 400-1700 ft., 8.38N 80.36W, 14 Dec. 1980, Sytsma et al. 2593 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: La Mesa, 800 m,, 21 July 1974, Thomas B. Croat 25375 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: Continental Divide, 1500 ft.,, 20 June 1978, Hammel 3507 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: 130-250 m, 8.46.44N 80.31.54W, 7 Feb 1983, G. Davidse & C.W. Hamilton 23717 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: 700 m, 8.47N 80.28W, 11 Dec. 1983, H.W. Churchill, A. Lier, W.S. Armbruster & A. Herzig 4071 (MO).
Panama Col�n: 550 m, 9.20N 79.45W, 21 May 1986, Gordon McPherson 9208 (MO).
Panama Col�n: 600-700 m, 9.24N 79.35W, 11 Jan. 1984, H.W. Churchill & G. de Nevers 4245 (MO).
Panama Col�n: Río Guanche, 100 m, 9.30N 79.39W, 6 Apr. 1992, Thomas B. Croat 75189 (CAS, MO).
Panama Col�n: 30-100 m, 09.30N 79.30W, 22 September 1996, Thomas B. Croat 79328 (MO).
Panama Darien: Darién National Park, 20 m, 8.02N 77.42W, 7 Aug 1986, McDonagh et al. 542 (BM).
Panama Darien: 60-150 m, 08.00N 77.45W, 12 Febrero 1991, H. Herrera, L. Rojas y N. Bristán Jr. 957 (MO).
Panama Darien: 600-850 m, 8.03.30N 77.17.00W, 15 Oct. 1987, Greg de Nevers, H. Cuadros, B. Hammel & H. Herrera 8347 (MO).
Panama Panamá: 900-1500 ft.,, 13 Dec. 1979, António 3144 (MO).
Panama Panamá: 300 m, 9.15N 79.00W, 14 May 1988, Gordon McPherson 12523 (MO).
Panama San Blas: 350 m, 9.19N 78.55W, 19 March 1985, Greg de Nevers 5186 (MO).
Panama San Blas: 200 m, 9.19N 78.55W, 9 April 1985, Greg de Nevers, H. Herrera & S. Charnley 5272 (MO).
Panama San Blas: 350 m, 9.19N 78.55W, 14 June 1985, Greg de Nevers with H. Herrera 5849 (MO).
Panama Veraguas: 1100-1400 m, 8.35N 81.05W, 15 July 1983, C. Hamilton & K. Krager 3986 (MO).
Panama Veraguas: Alto de Piedra, 800-950 m, 8.33N 81.8W, 29 June 1987, Croat 67000 (MO).
Panama Veraguas: Cerro Tute, 1200-1450 m,, 14 May 1981, Sytsma & Andersson 4588 (MO).
Panama Veraguas: 730-770 m,, 26 July 1974, Thomas B. Croat 25964 (MO).
Panama Veraguas: 3200-5600 ft.,, 8 Sept. 1978, Hammel 4600 (MO).
Panama Veraguas: Cerro Tute, 1250-1350 m,, 30 Nov. 1979, Thomas B. Croat 48952 (MO).
Panama Veraguas: 800-1030 m,, 15 July 1994, Thomas B. Croat & Guanghua Zhu 76910 (MO).

Map of South American Specimens with coordinates

Bolivia La Paz: 900 m, 14.18S 68.05W, 15 Noviembre 1994, Helme, N. 556 (MO).
Colombia : Mpio. Turbo, 20 m,, 28 Feb. 1984, Brand, J. & M. Gonzalez 967 (COL, HUA, JAUM).
Colombia : 30 m,, 29 Junio 1985, E. Renteria et al. 4227 (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: 50 m,, 4 Feb. 1985, Renteria et al. 3501 (COL, JAUM, MO).
Colombia Antioquia: Mpo. Chigorodo, 60 m, 7.34N 76.33W, 18 Dec. 1990, Callejas et al. 9733 (HUA, MO).
Colombia Antioquia: 810-1020 m, 06.08N 74.56W, 28 Oct 1989, Callejas et al 8638 (NY).
Colombia Antioquia: 1700 m,, 13 July 1986, Acevedo et al. 1335 (US).
Colombia Antioquia: Río Caiman,, Feb. 1930, Archer 63 (US).
Colombia Antioquia: 50 m,, 15 Apr. 1985, E. Renteria et al. 3803 (COL, JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: 770 - 600 m,, 25 Oct. 1987, J.G. Ramirez & D. Cardenas 1825 (COL, HUA).
Colombia Antioquia: 770 - 470 m,, 21 Feb. 1987, Ramirez, J.G. & D.C. Lopez 556 (HUA).
Colombia Antioquia: 750 m,, 11 Dec. 1982, Hernandez, J. & S.E. Hoyos 586 (HUA).
Colombia Antioquia:, 1 Aug. 1978, Fonnegra & Renteria 1083 (HUA).
Colombia Antioquia: Las Orquideas, 1320 m,, 14 June 1981, L.A. de Escobar et al. 1684 (HUA).
Colombia Antioquia: 1350 - 1450 m,, 10 July 1988, Callejas et al. 6524 (HUA).
Colombia Antioquia: Mcipio. de Puerto Triunfo, 350 m, 05.56N 074.50W, 22 Oct 1989, A. Cogollo et. al. 4270 (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia:, 19 Marzo 1982, Jorge Brand M. S.N. (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: Carretera Tapón del Darién, 10-20 m,, 21 Enero 1984, Jorge Brand & M. González 901 (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: Carretera Tapón del Darién, 20 m,, 25 Dec 1983, Jorge Brand & M. Escobar 739 (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: 10 m,, 22 March 1986, E. Renteria et al. 4691 (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: 10 m,, 24 March 1986, E. Renteria et al. 4754 (JAUM). C
olombia Antioquia: Autopista Medellín-Bogotá, 800 m,, 1 Dec 1983, Hoyas & J.Hernandez 588 (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: Autopista Medellín-Bogotá, 800 m,, 24 Dec 1983, Hoyas & J. Hernandez 787 (JAUM).
Colombia Antioquia: La Cristalina, 470-770 m, 06N 074.45W, 21 Feb. 1987, J.G. Ramirez & D.Cardenas 556 (JAUM).
Colombia Cauca: Río Chagnes,, , Lehmann 4538 (B).
Colombia Cauca: Isla de Gorgona, 0 - 150 m,, Sept. 1987, Alonso et al. 7474 (COL).
Colombia Choco:, 12 Apr 1984, Cordoba 441 (CHOCO, COL, MO).
Colombia Choco: 0-100 m, 6.20N 77.20W, 6 Junio 1990, Fabio García C. & Enzo D. Agualimpia 404 (CHOCO, MO).
Colombia Choco: Río Bebara,, 11 Feb. 1985, Cordoba 492 (COL).
Colombia Choco: 1200 - 1800 m,, 3 Jan. 1973, Gentry & Forero 7354 (COL).
Colombia Choco: 1540 m,, 1983, Franco, P. et al. 1512 (COL).
Colombia Choco: Parque Nacional Natural Los Katios, 100 m,, 1983, Zulua, 762 (COL).
Colombia Choco: Río Condoto, 120 - 180 m,, Apr. 1939, Killip 35439 (COL).
Colombia Choco: 1300 m,, 15 Jan. 1983, Diaz, S. 3582 (COL).
Colombia Choco: 100-300 m,, 22 Mayo 1988, D. Cárdenas 2044 (JAUM).
Colombia Choco: 10-500 m,, 23 Abril 1988, D. Cárdenas 1828 (JAUM).
Colombia Choco: 20-540 m,, 17 Abril 1988, D.Cardenas 1712 (JAUM).
Colombia Choco: 30-150 m,, 16 Feb 1988, D. Cárdenas 1341 (JAUM).
Colombia Choco: 20-300 m,, 15 Feb 1988, D. Cárdenas 1334 (JAUM).
Colombia Choco: 20-40 m,, 16 Enero 1988, D. Ca|rdenas 1060 (JAUM).
Colombia Narino: Gorgonilla Island, 130 - 200 m,, 08 Feb. 1939, Killip & Garcia 33085 (COL, US).
Colombia Narino: 30 - 100 m,, 1953, Idrobo & Weber 1395 (COL).
Colombia Narino: Costa del Pacifico, 30 - 100 m,, Apr. 1953, Idrobo, I. & H. Weber 1377 (COL).
Colombia Narino: Mun. Tumaco, 50 m,, 30 Sept. 1985, Bernal & Galeano 855 (COL).
Colombia Valle del Cauca: Bajo Calima, < 100 m, 04.09N 77.11W, 8 February 1990, Thomas B. Croat & Jonathan Watt 70378 (MO).
Colombia Valle del Cauca: 10 m, 03.15N 77.25W, 23 Feb 1983, Al Gentry & Adrian Juncosa 40694 (COL, MO).
Colombia Valle del Cauca:, 13 Apr. 1939, Killip 34980 (COL).
Ecuador Esmeraldas: Río Cayapa, 200 m, 00.48N 78.54W, 27 Jun 1982, Kvist & Asanza 40377 (AAU, MO!).
Ecuador Esmeraldas: Río Cayapa, 200 m, 00.48N 78.54W, 19 Oct 1983, Kvist et al. 48342 (AAU).
Ecuador Esmeraldas: 80 m, 01.15N 78.40W, 20 Jul 1992 - 29 Jul 1992, Carlos Aulestia, G. Tipaz, L. Delgado & G. Lao 216 (MO).