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Anthurium halmoorei Croat, sp. nov.

TYPE: Mexico. Nayarit: along Hwy. 28 between Tepic and Jalcocotan at Km 15.5, elev. ca. 1,000 m, Croat 45337 (MO-2690192-193, holotype; CAS, K, MEXU, MICH, SEL, isotypes; Live at MO).

Planta epiphytica aut rupestris; caudex brevis, crassus, radicibus densis crassisque; petiolus 15-19 cm longus, 12-18 cm latus, lateribus complanatis, adaxile late sulcatus, abaxiale obtuse angulatus aut costatus; lamina oblanceolata aut oblanceolata-elliptica, subcori-acea, 52-108 cm longa, 15-43 cm lata, marginibus late undulatis, nervis primariis lateralibus ad marginem liberibus; inflorescentia effusa, foliis breviora; pedunculus 32-38 cm longus; spatha ovata aut ovata-elliplica, viridis, 13-16 cm longa; spadix viridis aul purpurata, 9-21 cm longa; baccae flavovirentes.

Rosulate, epiphyte or on rocks on very steep slopes; stems thick; internodes and leaf scars obscured by root mass; roots dense, descending, ca. 1 cm diam.; cataphylls subcoriaceous, 20-23 cm long, apiculate at apex, drying tan to brown, persisting intact at apex, dilacerating at base.

LEAVES erect-spreading; petioles 15-19 cm long, 12-18 mm wide, flattened laterally, broadly sulcate adaxially, obtusely angular or 1-ribbed abaxially; geniculum 1-1.5 cm long; blades oblanceolate to oblanceolate-elliptic, subcoriaceous, short-acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, 52-108 cm long, 15-43 cm wide, broadest at middle or just above, the margins broadly undulate; the upper surface semiglossy, the lower surface matte and much paler; midrib broad and flat at base, convexly raised at middle, narrowed and flat at apex above, acutely raised below, the abaxial rib of the petiole extending onto midrib; primary lateral veins 12-14 per side, departing the midrib at a 40°-55° angle, prominently raised above, raised below; straight then curving toward apex near margin; interprimary veins less conspicuously raised above, visible and flat below; secondary veins prominulous above, flat below; collective vein arising from a primary lateral vein near the apex, 6-11 mm from margin, flat above, prominulous below.

INFLORESCENCE spreading, shorter than leaves; peduncle 32-38 cm long, 9-10 mm diam., subterete, obscurely angled, 2-2.5 limes longer than petioles; spathe subcoriaceous, green (B & K Yellow-green 6/10), some-limes tinged purple, ovate to broadly ovate, 13-16 cm long, 6.2-9.7 cm wide, broadest near base, acuminate at apex, acute at base, the margins undulate, inserted at a 70° angle on peduncle; spadix green, purple, or green heavily tinged purple (B & K Red-purple 2/5), 9-21 cm long, 11-27 mm diam. at base, 5-7 mm diam. at apex; flowers 4-lobed, 2.4-2.8 mm long, 2.7-3.2 mm wide, the sides sigmoid; 8-14 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 12-20 flowers visible in the alternate spiral; lepals matte, weakly punctate, minutely papillate, lateral tcpals 1.5-1.8 mm long, the inner margin convex; pistil slightly raised, green tinged with purple in area of stigma; stigma linear, 0.4-0.6 mm long, a minute droplet appearing 4-5 days before first stamens emerge, dry with white exsertcd papillae when anthers open; stamens emerging ± rapidly from the base exserted on filament ca. 0.3 mm long, 0.8 mm wide, retracting to hold anthers held at edge of pistil, mounded with pollen; anthers orange; thecae ellipsoid, scarcely divaricate; pollen orange (B & K Yellow 7/2.5), drying while.

INFRUCTESCENCE pendent; spathe usually persisting; berries irregularly obovoid, pale yellow green, broadly rounded to almost flat with a scurfy, brown square around style, 12-15 mm long, 7-9 mm diam.; mesocarp fleshy with numerous raphide cells; seeds 2, pale tan, subglobose, weakly flattened, 5-6.5 mm long, 3.5-4.1 mm wide, ca. 2.5 mm thick, with a sticky appendage at base and apex. Figs. 83 and 87.

Anthurium halmoorei is restricted to western Mexico in the states ofNayarit, Jalisco, Colima, and Michoacan in seasonally very dry forests from 450 to 1,450 m elevation. It occurs usually an rocks on very steep slopes in forested areas.

The species is in section Pachyneurium and is :haracterized by its generally oblanceolate or ob-anceolate-elliptic blades with usually free-end-ng primary lateral veins, and by its petiole which s acute abaxially but especially by its ovate to ^vale-elliptic spathe, green to purplish spadix and sreenish-yellow mature berries.

The species is probably most closely related to A. schlechtendalii ssp. jimenezii, which differs in laving the petiole subquadrangular, usually flat ibaxially and in having a lanceolate spathe and �ed berries at maturity. That species occurs only n Guerrero and southern Oaxaca.


Map of Mesoamerican specimens with coordinates

Mexico Michoacan:, , McVaugh 24741 (MICH).
Mexico Michoacan:, , Rzedowski 16707 (ENCB, MICH). Mexico Nayarit: 1000 m,, 7 Jan. 1979, Thomas B. Croat 45242 (MO).
Mexico Nayarit: 1000 m,, 8 Jan. 1979, Thomas B. Croat 45337 (AAU,B,CAS,CM,F,IBE,K,L,MEXU,MICH,MO,NY,OOM,QCA,SAR,SEL,US,WI,WU). Mexico Nayarit:, 28 Aug 1948, Dressler 339 (MO, UC)
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, 13 July 1970, Norris & Taranto 12645 (CAS, MO).
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, , McVaugh 10224 (MICH).
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, , Wilbur 2289 (MICH)
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, , Delgado 359 (MICH).
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, , Hernandez 2608 (MEXU).
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, , Anderson 6113 (ENCB, MICH).
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, , Koeppen & Iltis 593 (BH).
Mexico Nayarit: Mpo. Jalisco,, , McVaugh 23408 (MICH).
Mexico Nayarit:, , Gentry & Gilly 10734 (MEXU, US).
Mexico Nayarit:, , McVaugh 12140 (MICH).
Mexico Nayarit:, , Moore & Bunting 8692 (BH).
Mexico Nayarit:, , McVaugh 15281 (MICH).
Mexico Nayarit:, , Feddema 703 (MICH).
Mexico Nayarit:, , Bates et al. 1554 (BH).
Mexico Nayarit:, , Lewis s.n. (MICH, UMO 46079).
Mexico Nayarit:, , Ferris 6816 (DS).
Mexico Nayarit:, 26 Dec 1949, Dressler 1024 (MO, UC).
Mexico Nayarit: 1000 m, 21.37N 104.41W, 19 June 1987, James S. Miller & Oswaldo Tellez V. 3163 (B, MEXU, MO).
Mexico Sinaloa: 700 m,, , Thomas B. Croat 76179 (MO).