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Anthurium fendleri Schott,

Prod. Aroid. 468. 1860. TYPE: Venezuela. Col�nia Tovar, Fendler 1343 (K, hololectotype; GH. isolectotype; here designated).

Anthurium canasas Croat, Aroideana 2: 30. 1979. Type Panama. Veraguas: Dist. Canasas, ca. 1 km above Canasas on road to Los Valles, 230 m, Croat 37051 (MO, holotype; B, COL, F, PMA, S, SCZ. US, isotypes).

Epipetric, epiphytic or terrestrial on steep rocky banks; roots numerous, descending. 2-5 mm diam., densely pubescent; stem to ca. 15 cm long, 1-1.5 cm diam.; cataphylls to ca. 5 cm long, reddish mottled, drying brown, remaining more or less intact except at base, gradually acuminate at apex.

LEAVES erect-spreading; petioles (2-)4-12 cm long, 5-7 mm diam., shorter than the leaves, narrowly to broadly and sharply sulcate, usually with 3-5 sharp, low ribs adaxially, the medial rib the most prominent; geniculum (0.5-)1-1.5 cm long; blades moderately thin, oblanceolate to oblanceolate-elliptic, gradually acuminate and often falcate at apex, acute to obtuse or narrowly rounded at base, (15-)30-65 cm long, (6-) 10-18 cm wide, broadest above the middle; both surfaces semiglossy; the midrib raised above, flat at base, becoming convex, then diminishing at apex, prominently raised and narrowly acute below; primary lateral veins 8-12 per side, sunken in valleys above, raised below, arcuate-ascending, the lowermost free to margin, loop-connecting with collective vein in apical one-third of blade; collective vein arising from primary lateral vein near middle of blade.

INFLORESCENCE spreading or stiffly erect; peduncle 30-75 cm long, terete, longer than petioles, weakly to prominently ribbed abaxially, sometimes adaxially; spathe thin, green or green suffused with violet purple, 6-11.5 cm long, 9-15 mm wide, broadest just above the point of petiole attachment, linear-lanceolate to narrowly triangular, narrowly acuminate at apex, obliquely inserted on peduncle at 60-80° angle, spreading and recurving or loosely coiled, joining the peduncle at 20-50° angle; stipe green, ca. 6-18 mm long abaxially, 22-33 mm long adaxially, 3.5-4 mm diam., spadix maroon (B & K. Red-purple 2/10), 7.5-16 cm long, 4-7 mm diam. at base, 2.5-4 mm diam. at apex; flowers square to rhombic, 2.5-3 mm in both directions, the sides weakly sigmoid; 4-8 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 5-10 flowers visible in the alternate spiral; tepals matte, weakly punctate, minutely papillate, lateral tepals 1.3-1.8 mm long, the inner margins broadly convex to concave; pistils early emergent 0.1-0.2 mm, green becoming violet purple (sometimes green with violet purple splotches); the stigma light purple-violet, ellipsoid, 0.6 mm long, with conspicuous droplets over several days, 2�4 days before anthers emerge; dry and full of slightly exserted bristles when anthers open; becoming a dry, dark ditch when stamens emerge; stamens emerging in a slow progression from base, those in all but the leading 3-5 spirals completely developed; anthers cream, ca. 0.4-0.5 mm long, 0.8-0.9 mm wide, held just above the edge of the tepals, inclined slightly inward, quickly losing pollen; thecae brown, held flat at edge of pistil, not contiguous; pollen pale yellow, soon fading white.

INFRUCTESCENCE pendent; usually developing berries only in the lower half of spadix; berries obovoid, violet purple, 6.7-7 mm long, rounded at apex, emerging in a more or less scattered pattern; mesocarp white, thickly gelatinous; seeds 1�2, purplish, 4.5-5 mm long, 2-3.5 mm wide, 0.7-2 mm thick. Fig. 75.

Previously known only from the northern cordillera of Venezuela west of Caracas, the species is now known to range into the Serrania de Perija in northeastern Colombia and southward along the edge of the eastern range of the Andes to the Departments of Meta and Vaupés in southwestern Colombia. Disjunct populations include those in the Choco of Colombia, in the Serrania del Darien, and in central Panama on the Pacific slope near Canasas in Veraguas Province. The species ranges from 100 to 500 m and occurs principally in areas known to be tropical moist forest.

It is a member of section Pachyneurium but differs from most members of that section in Central America because of its thinner leaves and violet purple berries.

Anthurium fendleri is distinguished by its rich green, oblanceolate-elliptic leaves that dry more or less olive green with prominent, raised reticulate venation and by its ribbed petioles, its slender reddish brown spadices, and its violet purple berries.

Panama Veraguas: Dist. Canasus, 230 m,, 25 Feb. 1986, Christenson 1158 (MO).
Panama Veraguas:, , Thomas B. Croat 37051 (B,COL,DUKE,ENCB,F,K,KYO,MEXU,MO,NY,QCA,PMA,S,SAR,SCZ,US).

Map of South American Specimens with coordinates

Brazil Río de Janeiro:, 5 August 1986, Thomas B. Croat 61936 (MO)
Colombia : 1000 m,, , Hanbury-Tracy 449 (K).
Colombia : Río Magdalena,, , Von Bayern 44 (BOG).
Colombia Amazonas: Río Caquete, 240-580 m,, , Garcia-Barriga s.n. (COL).
Colombia Antioquia: Río Claro, 325 m, 5.53N 74.39W, 5 March 1984, Cogollo 1342 (COL, MO).
Colombia Antioquia: Río Claro, 325 m,, 13 Aug. 1983, Cogollo 615 (COL, MO).
Colombia Antioquia: Río Claro, 350-475 m,, 30 Jan. 1984, Cogollo 1302 (COL, MO).
Colombia Antioquia: Río Claro, 5.54N 74.51W, , Croat 56578 (CM,COL,DUKE,GH,INPA,JAUM,MO,MY,P,PMA,QCA,SEL,US,VEN).
Colombia Antioquia: 1350 m,, , Barkley & Guttierrez 1822 (COL).
Colombia Antioquia: 1450 - 1840 m, 05.40N 075.40W, 30 Sept. 1989, Callejas et al. 8509 (HUA).
Colombia Atlantico:, , Elias 1296 (COL, F, GH, US).
Colombia Atlantico:, , Elias 1477 (F ).
Colombia Bolívar: Mun. San Juan Nepomuceno, 200 m, 09.58N 75.10W, 21 mayo 1992, Ricardo Rueda y Hermes Cuadros 367 (MO).
Colombia Bolívar:, , Castenada 9855 (COL). Colombia Casanare: Río Casanare, 130 m,, , Cuatrecasas 3818 (US).
Colombia Cesar: 460 m.,, 26 Apr. 1987, Cuadros & Gentry 3466 (MO).
Colombia Cesar: Río Magdalena,, , Allen 285 (MO). Colombia Choco: 300 m,, , Gentry & Aguirre 15232 (MO, COL).
Colombia Choco: 0-5 m, 08.23N 77.07W, 26 May 1989, Betancur et. al 1249 (MO).
Colombia Cundinamarca: 1000 m,, , Plowman et al. 5246 (COL).
Colombia La Guajira: 300 m,, 21 agosto 1986, Hermes Cuadros V. & Alwyn H. Gentry 2962 (MO).
Colombia Magdalena: 500 m,, 1 Sep 1977, Jaramillo et al. 5570 (COL)
Colombia Magdalena:, , Pittier 1697 (US). Colombia Magdalena: 1500 m,, , Smith, H. 2309 (BM, F, GH, MO, NY, US).
Colombia Magdalena: 500 m,, , Smith, Herbert 2305 (K).
Colombia Meta: 500 m,, 20 Aug 1950, Smith & Idrobo 1489 (COL).
Colombia Meta: Cordillera Central, 1100 m,, 23 Dec. 1949, Philipson & Idrobo 1900 (COL).
Colombia Meta: 800 m,, 1 Feb. 1950, Philipson 2312 (COL).
Colombia Meta: 520 m,, , Croat 55519 (MO).
Colombia Meta: 460 m,, , Plowman et al. 4210 (COL, GH, US).
Colombia Meta: 310 m, 2.96N 73.10W, , Madison 1224 (GH).
Colombia Meta: 850 m,, , Idrobo 4866 (COL).
Colombia Santander: Río Surata Valley, 400-600 m,, , Killip & Smith 16234 (GH, NY, US).
Colombia Santander: Puerto Berrio, 100-700 m,, , Haught 1710 (US).
Colombia Santander: 1000 m, 7.01N 73.05W, , Croat 56388 (CM,COL,K,L,MBM,MO,SAR,SEL,US,W).
Colombia Santander: 660 m, 7.03N 73.12W, , Croat 56545 (AAU,B,CAS,CM,COL,DUKE,KM,MO,NY,RSA,SAR,SEL,UCLA,US).
Colombia Valle del Cauca:, 22 Dec 1971, Hilton 1827 (W).
Colombia Valle del Cauca: 220-260 m, 3.47N 76.46W, 5 July 1986, Croat 62821 (FT, IBE, MO).
Colombia Valle del Cauca: Cordillera Occidental, 1700-2100 m,, , Pennell & Killip 5756 (NY).
Colombia Valle del Cauca: 200-600 m,, , Lehmann 5332 (B, F).
Colombia Valle del Cauca: 302 m,, , Andre 373 (K).
Colombia Vichada: Cerro Rocoso, 100 m,, , Vincelli 1201 (COL, MO).
Colombia Vichada:, , Cabrera 1842 (COL).
Venezuela : Cerro Socopo, 500-1000 m,, , Liesner et al. 8432 (MO, NY, VEN).
Venezuela : Cerro Socopo, 500-1000 m,, , Liesner et al. 8441 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Apure: Distrito Achaguas, 100 m, 06.48-52N 68.45-48W, 11 Apr 1987, Gragson & Gragson 92 (US).
Venezuela Aragua:, , Fernandez 270 (MY, CR).
Venezuela Aragua:, , Trujillo 3833 (MY). Venezuela Aragua:, , Trujillo 4889 (MY).
Venezuela Aragua: 500 m,, 05 Apr 1967, Bunting 2022A (NY).
Venezuela Aragua: 500 m,, 05 Apr 1967, Bunting 2022C (NY).
Venezuela Aragua: 1200 m,, 20 Apr 1969, Bunting 3393A (NY).
Venezuela Aragua: Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, 500-600 m,, 12 May 1972, Bunting 4788 (NY).
Venezuela Barinas: 850 m, 8.49N 70.29W, 25 March 1985, Thomas B. Croat 60761 (MO).
Venezuela Barinas: 800 m,, 21 Aug 1967, Bunting 2263 (MY,NY).
Venezuela Barinas: 450 m,, , Croat 54754 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Barinas: 200 m,, , Gentry & Puig-Ross 14271 (MO).
Venezuela Cojedes: Dtto. El Limero, 100 m,, , Delascio 4187 (VEN).
Venezuela Distrito Federal: Parque del Este in Caracas,, , Steyermark & Aristeguieta 107___ (Cult) (VEN).
Venezuela Falcon: Cerro Socopo, 440-1200 m,, , Liesner et al. 8283 (VEN).
Venezuela Guarico:, , Fendler 1341 (GH).
Venezuela Guarico:, , Fendler 1343 (GH). Venezuela Guarico:, , Fendler 1344 (GH).
Venezuela Guarico: 380 m,, 06 Aug 1967, Bunting 2208 (NY).
Venezuela Lara: Dtto. Jimenez, 500 m,, , Steyermark & Espinoza 107627 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Lara: Dtto. Palavencino, Valle de el Altar, 250 m,, , Steyermark et al. 109917 (F, VEN).
Venezuela Merida: 30 m, 08.27N 71.45W, 11 March 1993, Thomas B. Croat 74608 (MO).
Venezuela Merida: 850 m,, 27 Sept 1967, Bunting 2309A (MY,NY).
Venezuela Merida: 650 m,, 10 Dec 1967, Bunting 2744 (MY,NY). Venezuela Merida:, , Bunting 2792 (MY).
Venezuela Merida: 450 m, 08.26N 071.44W, 9 August 1982, Thomas B. Croat 54878 (B, MO, WU).
Venezuela Merida: Río Caparo, 100-250 m,, , Liesner & Gonzalez 9281 (MO)
. Venezuela Merida: 1065-2430 m,, , Steyermark 56316 (F). Venezuela Portuguesa: Dtto. Guanare, 09.04N 69.49W, 17 September 1982, Aymard 1306 (MO).
Venezuela Portuguesa: Mpo. Ospino, 800-1200 m, 9.26.00N 69.30.30W, 10 November 1982, Stergios et al. 4568 (MO).
Venezuela Portuguesa: Río Saguas, 800-850 m,, , Bunting 2294 (MY).
Venezuela Portuguesa: 100 - 200 m, 09.00 N 069.54W, 12 March 1982, Ronald Liesner & Angel González 12554 (MO).
Venezuela Portuguesa: 190 m,, , Steyermark & Rabe 96474 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Portuguesa: 400-500 m,, , Steyermark et al 127104 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Tachira: 1000 m,, 23 Nov 1974, Bunting 4369 (MO,NY).
Venezuela Tachira: 130 m, 08.10N 71.59W, 13 March 1993, Thomas B. Croat 74697 (MO).
Venezuela Tachira: 1216-1250 m,, , Bunting 2350 (MY).
Venezuela Tachira: 300-350 m,, 02 Oct 1967, Bunting 2384A (MY,NY).
Venezuela Tachira: 250 m,, 02 Oct 1967, Bunting 2398 (MY,NY).
Venezuela Tachira: 200-250 m,, , Bunting 2487 (MY).
Venezuela Tachira:, , Bunting 2508 (MY).
Venezuela Tachira: Río Negro, 450 m,, , Liesner & Guariglia 11835 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Tachira:, , Steyermark & Rabe 96659 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Tachira: Río Frio, 480-500 m,, , Steyermark & Liesner 119115 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Tachira: 250 m,, , Steyermark et al. 119464 (MO, VEN).
Venezuela Tachira: Sierra el Casadero, 850 m,, , Steyermark et al 120173 (B, CM, K, MO, VEN).
Venezuela Tachira: 1100-1150 m,, 29 Sept 1967, Bunting 2349 (NY).
Venezuela Tachira: 300-350 m,, 02 Oct 1967, Bunting 2384B (NY).
Venezuela Tachira: 250 m,, 02 Oct 1967, Bunting 2399 (NY).
Venezuela Tachira: 925 m,, 20 Jun 1975, Bunting 4837 (NY).
Venezuela Tachira: 460 m,, 18 Jan 1973, Bunting 13020 (NY).
Venezuela Trujillo:, , Bunting 2825 (MY).
Venezuela Trujillo:, , Pittier 10793 (US).
Venezuela Trujillo: 150 m,, 17 Dec 1967, Bunting 2817 (NY).
Venezuela Venezuela: Jardin Botanico of Ciudad Univ.,, , Braun 2 (Cult) (VEN).
Venezuela Venezuela:, , Vogel 1175 (M).
Venezuela Yaracuy: 790 m,, , Croat 54612 (BM, K, MO, VEN).
Venezuela Zulia: Dtto. Colón,, 29 Apr 1979, Bunting et al. 7377 (NY,VEN).
Venezuela Zulia: Sierrania de Perija, 450 m,, , Chitty & Benkowski 3090 (VEN).
Venezuela Zulia: Dtto. Mara, 400-530 m,, , Steyermark et al 122687 A (MO).
Venezuela Zulia: Dtto. Colón, 150 m,, 27 Apr 1979, Bunting 7241 (NY).
Venezuela Zulia: Dtto. Bolívar, 75-125 m,, 02 Oct 1979, Bunting & Alfonzo 8029 (NY).
Venezuela Zulia: Dtto. Perijá, 225-350 m,, 27 Apr 1980, Bunting et al. 8799 (NY).
Venezuela Zulia: Dtto. Lagunillas, 550-600 m, 10.25N 70.49W, 01-05 Apr 1982, Bunting et al. 11279 (NY).