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Anthurium pluricostatum Croat & Baker,

Brenesia 16(Supl. I): 68.1979. TYPE: Costa Rica. Lim�n: ca. 1 mi. NE of Bribri, ca. 40 mi. SW of Lim�n (on coastal road), steep ravine above Río Catarata, 50-100 m, Croat 43243 (MO 2584480-81, holotype; CR, F, K, RSA, US, isotypes; Live at MO).

Terrestrial; stem 2.5-3 cm diam., to 23 cm long; cataphylls turning brown and weathering into a dense mass of persistent, coarse fibers;

petioles 26-68 cm long, 6-8 mm diam., subte-rete, narrowly flattened to weakly and obscurely sulcate adaxially, almost smooth to characteristically several ribbed or striate around the circumference; blades narrowly ovate, moderately thin, deeply lobed at base, 40-68 cm long, 20-38 cm wide. Inflorescence erect-spreading; peduncle 17-43 cm long, 4-5 mm diam., terete to obscurely angular, sometimes heavily suffused with dark purple; spathe subcoriaceous, pale violet purple or green slightly suffused throughout with violet purple, especially on the inner surface. oblong-lanceolate, 13-18.5 cm long, 2-3.7 cm wide; stipe 3 mm long; spadix pale lavender or green tinged with pale lavender, yellowish green near the tip or sometimes pale reddish purple throughout; berries purplish in upper one-third, white in lower two-thirds; seeds 2. See Croat (1983: 351) for a more complete description.

The species is known from Costa Rica and in Panama in Col�n Province and in Chiriquí Province on the Burica Península. It is certainly to be expected in Bocas del Toro Province as well. It occurs in premontane wet transition forest and premontane wet and tropical wet forest at elevations from near sea level to 1,000 m on both the Pacific and Atlantic slopes.

Anthurium pluricostatum, a member of section Belolonchium, is characterized by its terrestrial habit, its subterete petiole with seven to ten low ridges, and by its spadix that is lavender to reddish purple or green tinged with lavender, usually with a discolorous yellowish green portion near the apex. The species is also unusual in having flowers with stigmatic droplets persisting while the stamens emerge.

Map of Mesoamerican specimens with coordinates

Costa Rica Heredia: 100 m, 10.27N 84.05W, 1 Oct. 1987, Thomas B. Croat 68377 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 70-150 m, 9.30.10N 82.57.50W, 1 July 1989, Abelardo Chacón 64 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 90-200 m, 09.40.30N 83.02.00W, 31 July 1985, Michael H. Grayum & Barry Hammel 5765 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 150 m, 09.39N 83.02W, 1 August 1985, Michael H. Grayum, B. Hammel, L. Bermúdez & R. Acosta 5796 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 5 m, 09.38N 82.41W, 3 Nov 1984, Michael Grayum & Pam Sleeper 4355 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 20-60 m, 09.38N 82.43W, 6 Nov 1984, Michael Grayum, Mel Baker & Pam Sleeper 4416 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 240 m, 10.03N 83.26W, 2 September 1988, Michael Grayum, Gerardo Herrera & Rafael Robles 8669 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: Quebrada Amubri, 70-150 m, 09.30.10N 82.57.50W, 1 July 1989, Chacon, A. 64 (CR, MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: Río Catarata, 50-100 m,, 11 Aug 1977, Thomas B. Croat 43206 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: Río Catarata, 50-100 m,, 12 Aug 1977, Thomas B. Croat 43243 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 40 m, 10.25N 83.34W, 3 November 1987, Rafael Robles 1211 (MO).
Costa Rica Lim�n: 40 m, 10.25N 83.34W, 4 November 1987, Rafael Robles 1229 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 160 m, 8.45N 83.18W, 2 March 1985, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 59735 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 60 m, 8.34N 83.25W, 4 March 1985, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 59813 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 250-540 m, 8.42N 83.31W, 4 March 1985, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 59841 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 100 m, 8.41N 83.12W, 6 March 1985, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 59905 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 30 m, 8.11N 83.12W, 15 Sept. 1987, Thomas B. Croat 67617 (MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 10 m, 8.41.40N 83.28.40W, 14 August 1990, Helen Kennedy 4560 (CR, MO).
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 50 m, 08.42.01N 83.30.48W, 11 September 1996, Thomas B. Croat & Dylan Hannon 79234 .
Costa Rica Puntarenas: 200-300 m, 08.42.00N 83.12.30W, 12 September 1996, Thomas B. Croat & Dylan Hannon 79278 (INB, MO).
Costa Rica San José: 990-1100 m, 09.18.24N 83.46.11W, 9 September 1996, Thomas B. Croat & Dylan Hannon 79106 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 10-20 m, 11.32N 83.48W, 07 Feb. 1982, Moreno, P. and Sandino, J. 15110 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 10 m, 11.34N 84.01W, 10 noviembre 1981, P.P.Moreno y J.C.Sandino 12744 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 60 m, 11.32N 84.01W, 11 noviembre 1981, P.P.Moreno & J.C.Sandino 12868 (MO).
Nicaragua Zelaya: 30 m, 11.32N 84.05W, 14 noviembre 1981, P.P.Moreno & J.C.Sandino 13118 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 310 m, 8.45N 82.10W, 9 March 1985, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 60146 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 590 m, 8.46N 82.14W, 10 March 1985, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 60199 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 1200 m, 8.44N 82.17W, 11 March 198, T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 60349 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 10 m, 08.45N 81.20W, 6 August 1987, Gordon McPherson 11399 (MO).
Panama Bocas del Toro: 5 m, 9.5N 81.35W, 8 August 1987, Gordon McPherson 11427 (MO)
Panama Cocl�: El Valle de Antón, 400-700 m,, 31 Jan 1935, Hunter & Allen 341 (G).
Panama Cocl�: 680-770 m, 08.39N 80.36W, 25 March 1993, Thomas B. Croat 74846 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: 850-950 m, 8.37N 80.08W, 14 July 1987, Thomas B. Croat 67300 (MO).
Panama Cocl�: 850 m, 8.39N 80.36W, 13 Sept. 1987, Thomas B. Croat 67581 (MO).
Panama Panamá: 900 m, 08.41N 79.54W, 21 January 1985, Henk van der Werff & J. Herrera 6192 (MO).
Panama Panamá: 800 m, 8.40N 79.50W, 21 March 1985, Gordon McPherson 6907 (MO).
Panama San Blas: 0 m,, 23 March 1985, W.G. D'Arcy & G. McPherson 16118 (MO).