Journal of the International Aroid Society, Inc.
Volume 31, Number 1 (2008); Pages 129-133
Amorphophallus tubers invaded by Cynodon dactylon
By M. Nedunchezhiyan and R. S. Misra     (Buy)


Amorphophallus paeoniifolius tubers are rich in starch and are consumed as vegetables after boiling or baking. Cynodon dactylon (Bermudagrass) a common weed in cultivated as well as non-cultivated fields was found invading on the underground tubers during dry season. It was found that Cynodon dactylon injected needle-sharp root-like runners produced at the nodes into the tubers. In some tubers Cynodon dactylon root-like runners entered inside up to 15 em depth. Necrotic lesions were developed in the infected tubers around the Cynodon dactylon rootlike runners. The dry matter content of Cynodon-infested tubers was decreased due to decrease of starch and total sugars. The anti-nutritional factor, oxalic acid content, was increased in Cynodon-infested tubers. Cynodon dactylon rendered Amorpbopballus tubers unfit for human consumption.


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