Journal of the International Aroid Society, Inc.
Volume 7, Number 1 (1984); Pages 7-8
Amorphophallus konjac vs A. rivieri (Araceae)
By Dan H. Nicholson    
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A quick scan of the literature suggested that A. rivieri was correct, cf. Fanny Lee Phillips (Aroideana 3: 56. 1980). I began to wonder why Koyama (in Ohwi, Flora of Japan, 255. 1965) accepted A. konjac. To my astonishment, I found that it is correct. Even more astonishing, I found that I had prepared notes on the problem in 1963 (while a student at the Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University), including copies of critical papers from Dr. George S. Bunting. At the risk of repeating something possibly published elsewhere, I report my findings in a historial sequence.


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